
Basic Introduction to Unity 2D and 3D project


If you want to start a career in game development or just want to learn how games are created, a good start would be learning the unity engine, which has a lot to offer. Game development nowadays consists of utilizing the power to create 2D/3D games and working more on the concept and the design of the game rather than just the physics of the games.

In this article you will learn how to actually get starting with unity.

How to crate a blank project?

After downloading and installing unity, and when you first start it .you will be prompted to the launch wizard will give you the power to create a new project or open the previous projects .To create a new project.

  1. Click on  “new”.
  2. Choose a name for your project.
  3. Choose the project you want to make 2D or 3D.
  4. Choose the location for your project.
  5. Click on “create project.

How to open a project?

From your launch wizard, you can select “open “ in order to search for the existing project.

What is the Hierarchy in unity?

Hierarchy is an important part of unity. When a new project is create you will only seen a main camera. Hierarchy is the holder for the entire game object, which you or the user of game will see on screen.

What is the project files?

To set our folder structure in unity. we right click the mouse button and hit create >> folder and then give that folder a name for example scripts. This folder we have created for our assets is created under the path we chose for the project.

{Path of project} / assets/ {created folder}

How to import packages?

The unity assets store and complete unity project provide unity packages, things you will be need while building your import these packages.

To import the standard assets package:

  1. Right click in the assets folder
  2. Go to import packages
  3. In import packages you will see a lot of packages unity standard packages
  4. To import custom packages (packages you have download from another party)
  5. Right click in the assets folder
  6. Go to import custom packages
  7. Search for the location your packages is saved
  8. To import packages form assets store
  9. Select window go to asset store
  10. In the search bar type the assets you need

After selected the package you need click on the button download and agree to the term and conditions of the provider

One the downloaded package is ready you can import it using the import

After the pervious steps you will see the assets in the project window.

What are 2D assets?


Unity 2D and 3D project


When creating your gameplay you will need to add some sort of assets

That cane be done by:

  • Choosing create from the hierarchy
  • Selecting 2D object >> { an object}
  • After choosing the desired object modifying the dimensions
  • Go to the inspector
  • In sprite renderer select the sprite you want to add


In conclusion, Unity stands as a potent gateway to the world of game development, whether you’re an aspiring professional or a curious enthusiast. Its versatility and extensive capabilities make it an ideal starting point. Today’s game development is not solely about mastering the physics of games; it’s about crafting immersive and engaging experiences. Unity facilitates this transition by enabling you to focus on the creative and conceptual aspects of game design, as well as the technical. The platform offers a rich array of tools, assets, and an ever-growing community to support your learning journey.

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