
How Social Media Marketing Changed in 5 Years

Social Media Marketing

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It’s incredible that how social media marketing has changed since 2012. We will let you know what has been changed in the previous five years.


Social media for Marketing


Social Media Marketing


The conversation between brands and the customers was one-sided. But now the criteria have been changed utterly. Now the social media marketing started to spread the branding messages directly to the customers. Brands become more common on social media and customers can select their best brand company.
• Brands can easily find most loyal consumers
• Finding out number of fans
• Finding out reviews about the products


New social media Marketing


It’s been easy to find new social media apps but difficult to find the worthy application. Mostly social media marketing have not hit five years of their birthdays. Instagram, now owned by Facebook is going to celebrate five years of age to serve the going to hit three years of age and still its popularity is increasing in a better way.

It’s important to choose a better niche, and then the social media takes over an app to the audience. Images and info-graphic platforms are becoming popular these days.




Sharing videos are so easy to share online. Streaming is not taking too much time for loading as compared to past years. Live video streaming is becoming so popular. Live streaming is a new feature introduced by Facebook. Mobile technology has spurred the entire journey of social media sites. Social media marketing is possible through videos instead of reading text details.


Desktop users converted to mobile oriented users


Mobile technology has emerged with new user-friendly interfaces of different apps. Now people stopped to use desktops for social media marketing. Mobile phones can easily share products at a glance.


Inaccessible to accessible


Anybody have thought about knowing what your favorite celebrity is tweeting in real life; Twitter made it possible. Now people know the stories of Justin Bieber about what they replied on Twitter. Now the inaccessible things are getting accessible. Now we see famous people interacting with the general audience without any hassle.
In the past five years, consumers had to call a number and wait for the hold to communicate with the customer. Now the companies are readily available to their official pages.


Digital marketing (2012 v/s 2017)


The rates of advertisements were so high in 2012 but relatively low in 2017. Market communications were used to manage conversations, but now things have been changed.
In 2017, 82% business holders growing their business by spending in FY2016 and pay half of dollar in online and offline digital marketing. Ready to supercharge your online presence? Discover the potential of our digital marketing services and boost your brand’s success today!
Content marketing was difficult when advertising through televisions, but now people can give reviews easily. Thousands of reviews are there for the online community to investigate any product online.


Social media analytics


The social media usage analytics are described below. You can easily ready the approx. Estimation of usage of the different social media marketing in 2016 is below.

Instagram (72%)
Facebook (61%)
Snap chat(36%)

This Percent Breakdown
Show the top social media platform in which companies to invest
More advertising dollar

Social media marketing’s trend expected to reach 2.5 billion populations at the end of 2019.




In the ever-evolving landscape of digital marketing, the transformation of social media marketing in the past five years has been nothing short of remarkable. As platforms, algorithms, and user behaviors shifted, marketers adapted and embraced new strategies. The rise of video content, the importance of influencer marketing, and the growing significance of community engagement are just a few indicators of this evolution. To succeed in the future, businesses must remain agile, stay attuned to the latest trends, and be ready to pivot as the social media marketing landscape continues to change. The journey of adaptation and innovation is ongoing, and the key to success lies in staying current and responsive.

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