
How to Make Money as a Designer

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Seems like we are always short of cash, there is never enough for anybody especially when we are talking about designers. There are unpaid bills all around you, your body is aching for a well earned vacation and yet the only thing stopping you from doing all that is money.

Take a deep breath and focus on your design skills, they are in demand and all you have to do is focus your energy towards utilizing them in most effective and efficient manner.

01: Get Your Own Blog

All graphic designer know that when you design something for the client or for practice it is not necessary that it will be loved by all. Even the designs you have done for clients will have leftovers. What you can do is display your work to the world by having your own blog specially dedicated to your work and you journey to being an awesome designer. This will greatly improve your presence within the designer fraternity and will help you increase your clientele.

02: Share Your Skills & Expertise

You have gone through such a hard time learning the art of designing. It is time to give it back to the designer fraternity by arranging and leading a skills sharing or graphic designing class. You can start by offering free classes for beginners and discuss designing issue. Once you get well known in the market you can add a small fee for your advance classes and lectures.

03: Design Your Apparels

You can start earning a passive income by designing your graphics on apparels. This is a very trendy and popular way to earn some extra bucks for the last couple of years. You can also design caps, t shirts, hoodies etc. Companies hire graphic designers with branding experience by looking at their work and this will pile up to be your experience and can land you a good contract with companies.

04: Compete With Your Designs

Look for free competitions going around nationally or globally. That is a very good way to show the world what your design skills are all about. Winning is not the only target you should have as you will be able to learn from other designers, increase your skill set and attract attention to your designs. You will be able to measure yourself as well globally and can charge clients for that.
You should start planning for a side income and get right to it. With life you never know what will happen, your side income can become your main source of income. Remember don\’t just jump into it, always plan and start with one side income and see how it goes. Many people just jump into things and get carried away with the moment, one must plan before executing your side income. Last but not least one must always strive to increase their income and keep looking for the best thing that will happen to you.

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