
Web Marketing Taking New Turns in 2014

Web Marketing

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Web marketing: Shift in Advertising Landscape: Internet Ads vs. Television Ads


Nowadays, internet ads have changed more than television ads, as said by the IAB research firm. Moreover, with such a new and more convenient way of communicating, stations like NBC, CBS, and ABC have begun to invest more in web marketing, topping dollars.


The Growing Importance of Web Marketing


Looking at the statistics, for every email being sent, the (web) marketing market is making about $40, and for all internet search’s ROI rate is $22. Nowadays, people have been going around tweaking their small business websites. It looks like the (web) marketing landscape could be changing quite drastically in the upcoming months (if not weeks).


Dollars and Sense: Web Marketing Statistics


For (web) marketing, Facebook is ancient, but YouTube is forward-looking. In February 2014, one research discovered that the most posts on Facebook were only about 6% of the total audience of a brand’s page. No matter how much you try to advertise through (web) marketing on Facebook, it still is not enough.


The Changing Landscape of Web Marketing


Facebook has to either step up its (web) marketing game or a new means should be used to advertise. One easy way to reach the highest number of users through (web) marketing may be YouTube. In fact, the top five brands on YouTube reach more than 20 times the number of users using video through (web) marketing than they do using content on Facebook. Imagine that!


The Evolution of Web Marketing Platforms


Web marketing and web design are consistently changing beasts. Building a professional website does not have to be super fancy, but it must be precise. Sure, the first impression is the last impression in (web) marketing – we don’t want the website too dull. There is no denying that the first impression of a user after clicking onto the website has the potential to attract towards you through (web) marketing.


The Dynamic Duo: Web Marketing and Web Design


If the website is designed good enough through (web) marketing, then you have a client, if not, you might even scare them away. In (web) marketing, seeing is believing, so hire a professional (web) marketing team to help you design your website. You will be surprised just how far (web) marketing could take you.


Mobile Platforms: The Future of Web Marketing


Mobile platforms are the world of tomorrow in (web) marketing. By 2018, mobile browsing is slated to overtake desktop browsing entirely. With all this in mind, you would definitely want to redesign or update your website to make it mobile-friendly for (web) marketing. The (web) marketing designer you would have hired would have a million ideas in mind to keep the site active both in mobile and on other devices in (web) marketing.


Conclusion: Web Marketing Taking New Turns in 2014


In conclusion, the year 2014 witnessed a remarkable evolution in the realm of (web). The advertising landscape shifted significantly, with internet ads surpassing the impact of traditional television ads. Stations like NBC, CBS, and ABC recognized the potential of (web) and began redirecting their investments into this dynamic platform.


Web marketing and web design became intricately linked, underscoring the significance of a professional approach to web development. This tandem approach in (web) marketing created a visually appealing and effective user experience, fostering credibility and trust.


As we look back at the transformations that web marketing underwent in 2014, we see an industry that is continuously reinventing itself. Staying ahead of these shifts and embracing the latest trends is pivotal for businesses to thrive in the ever-evolving digital landscape. The journey of (web) marketing continues, and businesses must remain agile and responsive to navigate this dynamic domain successfully.

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