
7 Basic tips for Graphic Design

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The most important thing to keep in mind to get an excellent graphic design or the result you are looking for is to make your requirements absolutely clear, detailed and if possible with references. Anything from website design, logo, catalog, advertisement campaign, Facebook page or brochures, your business needs should be reflected in all of the above. This all might sound a bit too much for someone who has not mastered IT by them selves. In that case the first step would be to start talking to the graphic designer, give your point of view, and explain to the graphic designer what you are looking for with examples. General discussion is always good as it narrows down what you are looking for. Techwrath can help you realize your view by having discussions so we can provide you with better results.

Techwrath’s top 7 tips for any graphic design:

1. Business Profile

You need to explain to the designer what your business background is and what are you aiming for. You should explain in detail about your self, your aim, your vision and what your business is all about. Do not assume and rest that your designer already knows about your business through documents, brochures or text.

2. Target Market

You need to explain it to the graphic designer what market are you targeting. According to your business you need to identify the demographic of the people your business handles. That can be according to the age range, genders, income, location, technical fields, life style, seasons, months etc.

3. Market Share

You need to honestly explain it to the graphic designer where your business and brand stands in the market. What is the market share of your business? is it a start up business or is it an already established well known brand. You need to identify things that make your business unique and different from other businesses in the market.

4. Aim and Objectives

You need to identify and answer few questions about what you are aiming for and what product or service you are looking for. What are your milestones and targets for your project or products? You need to give all specifications in a standard form to the graphic designer so that the product you get is the one you can use in the market. Don’t forget to save and keep project files for all variations and versions.

5. Data

You need to provide with relevant data to the graphic designer. As a graphic designer you need to ask for data regarding business, images, logos, other data that will help in designing and branding of the business. There might be legal issues in using images or videos etc that are intellectual property of another person. You cannot just pick an image from GOOGLE and use it for your business.

 6. Timeline and Deadline

Discuss with the designer and if you are a designer give the client a realistic and achievable deadline. It is not only about the money, customer satisfaction is very crucial for your business as a client and service provider. If you put a deadline that is too near then you will sacrifice creativity and productivity for the project.

7. Budget

Keep a good range of your budget; do not fix one single price before heading to get a quote for your project. There is ad-one at the end always so keep a project price range. You should discuss with the designer as well to get the feel of the market price as well.

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