
Beginner’s Guide to SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

Guide to SEO

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Introduction: Guide to SEO


Search Engine Optimization (SEO) in 2022 is a technical, analytical and creative process to improve the visibility of a website in search engines. The primary function of SEO is to drive more unpaid useful traffic to a site that converts into sales.


It’s Simpler Than You Think!


SEO or Search Engine Optimization is the name given to activity that attempts to improve search engine rankings. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is the practice of increasing the number and quality of visitors to a website by improving rankings in the algorithmic search engine results.


Research shows that websites on the first page of Google receive almost 95% of clicks, and studies show that results that appear higher up the page receive an increased click through rate (CTR), and more traffic. In search results Google displays links to pages it considers relevantand authoritative. Authority is mostly measured by analysing the number and quality of links from other web pages. In simple terms your web pages have the potential to rank in Google so long as other web pages link to them.


Step 1: Analysis of Top Website


Website analysis


Analysis of meta sets/keywords, visible text and code to deter­mine how well you\’re positioned for search engines. For example, how much code do you have on a page compared to text?


Competitive analysis


Examination of content keywords and present engine rank­ing of competitive websites to determine an effective engine positioning strategy. Pick the top five results in the Google listing results to begin this process. Expand as necessary. Use tools such as and


Initial keyword nomination


Development of a prioritized list of targeted search terms related to your customer base and market segment. Begin with this: What would you type into a search engine to find your business website or page? Then, ask your customers!


Step 2:  On Page Seo


The second step in getting our site ready to rank is making it clear to Google what our site is about. For now we’re going to focus our home page (our landing page) on ranking for one keyword that isn’t our brand or company name. Once we do that and get that ranking we can branch out into other keywords and start to dominate the search landscape, but for now we’ll stay laser focused.


Step 3: Keyword Research


From nomination, further identify a targeted list of key­words and phrases. Review competitive lists and other pertinent industry sources. Use your preliminary list to determine an indicative number of recent search engine queries and how many websites are competing for each key­word. Prioritize keywords and phrases, plurals, singulars and misspellings. (If search users commonly misspell a keyword, you should identify and use it). Please note that Google will try to correct the term when searching, so use this with care.

  • Further more Find the winning keywords the criteria of winning keyword is:
  • Long tail Keyword
  • Cpc one Dollar (minimum)
  • Low Competition
  • Check Keyword Difficulty

Step 4: Content/Article Writing


Your article should be unique , Informative , grammar  correct write the article from an expert writer .based titles help establish page theme and direction for your keywords. Meta description tags can influence click-throughs but aren\’t directly used for rankings. (Google doesn\’t use the keywords tag any­more.)  Integrate selected keywords into your website source code and existing content on designated pages. Make sure to apply a sug­gested guideline of one to three keywords/phrases per content page and add more pages to complete the list. Ensure that related words are used as a natural inclu­sion of your keywords. It helps the search engines quickly determine what the page is about. A natural approach to this works best. In the past, 100 to 300 words on a page was recommended. Many tests show that pages with 800 to 2,000 words can outperform shorter ones. In the end, the users, the marketplace, content and links will determine the popularity and ranking numbers.


Step 5: Off Page Seo


Off-Page SEO is just a fancy way to say links. (Sometimes we call them backlinks, but it’s really the same thing.) Google looks at each link on the web as a weighted vote. If you link to something, in Google’s eyes you’re saying, “This is worth checking out.” The more legit you are the more weight your vote carries.


Off  Page Includes :


  • Backlinks
  • Web2.Os
  • Social Media Marketing
  • Guest Posting
  • Expired Domains
  • Comments on Blogs

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