
Breathtaking Immersion of PlayStation 5 by SONY 2021

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SONY has come up with such an amazing promotional video for PlayStation 5 on their official YouTube Channel that we had to share it with you guys. The video speaks for it self captivating scenery, music, animation and information. One cannot look away and is felt with an aw. We at TechWrath give a big Thumbs Up to SONY for this and what a refreshing promotional video it is.

One can talk about the title of the video being Breathtaking Immersion, Indeed it is and will be for all who watch it. PlayStation has been a big revenue generator for Sony for years and it seems they are going strong.

An amazing experience one has to accept and wish SONY luck for the sales of PlayStation 5 during the Covid 19 pandemic that the world is facing. We can expect the global sales of SONY PlayStation 5 to still do good even with the constraints that they are facing.

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