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Revealing Secrets about the HTML 5 Web Development Popularity TechWrath

Revealing Secrets about the HTML 5 Web Development Popularity

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HTML5 is no longer wanted. It has been used a lot, however, HTML is grabbing web technology day by day and going upwards and surely it will continue. Moreover, when it was introduced as mobile app development, HTML5 continued to gain popularity. In one survey more than 5,000 developers choice HTML for developing apps for multiple usage.

Just recently, Amazon announced that HTML5 apps would now be charged when bought from the App-store; all as a sign of acceptance of HTML5.

Although HTML5 has misrepresented, since in 2012 Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg claimed that the company had relied too much on HTML5 for its mobile apps when native applications may have been a better choice, the technology has come on since then and began to lead again.

Here are 5 reasons why I think HTML5 will remain to play the lead role in the mobile app development world:


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HTML5 lacks certain functions that native applications can provide, and to some extent this is still true. But with its rapid evolution, it will soon be able to provide these lacking functions as well.

One other point to note is that the reason HTML5 has lacked certain functions is due to the lack of support for it rather than any deficiencies it has itself. When HTML5 first launched in 2008, the only browser to support the technology was Firefox.

When it comes to websites, HTML5 can do some brilliant things. It’s also being backed by some big players like Adobe’s site.

Cross-platform compatibility

Perhaps one of the most attractive features of HTML5 is its compatibility in various devices. The same HTML5 app will work on different mobile operating systems, whether that’s iOS, Android, Windows Phone or Blackberry; hence creating native apps for each OS will cost more than the cost of developing the app. However, it does take longer to create an HTML5 app than a single native app, but in order to work on multiple platforms, you will only have to build it once using HTML5.

Remote updates

A great benefit of HTML5 web apps is that the updates are automatic rather than manual. This is because everyone using the app will only see the latest version. It benefits all parties – for the app provider or developer, it means they don’t have to provide support for multiple versions of apps. For users, it means they don’t have to go through the process of a manual update.

Additionally, if you want to update an app and you need to connect to a WiFi, unless it won’t update, it can get quite frustrating. This is an issue that you won’t encounter with HTML5 web apps.

It can be used to develop hybrid apps

Hybrid apps, which look and feel like native apps, are fairly popular nowadays and often offer a good trade-off between the ease of developing HTML5 apps and the performance of native apps.

Generally, hybrid apps are built using web technologies such as HTML, CSS and JavaScript and then ‘wrapped’ in a native container. The popular PhoneGap framework does this and has been used for a number of popular apps including BBC Olympics. The benefit of this is that the majority of the development work can be done once and then deployed across various platforms. The disadvantage here is that having the app published on application markets such as the App Store requires approval, whereas something web-based HTML5 apps don’t need.

Suited to emerging markets

Emerging markets are one of the biggest slopes for mobile devices and Africa is one of these markets – the continent is now the world’s second most connected region by mobile subscriptions and is predicted to reach one billion subscriptions by 2015. However, in such markets there is a diverse range of mobile devices and them having developing apps is a nightmare. Devices like the iPhones are not the preferred as a first option due to their high costs. Therefore the iOS ecosystem hasn’t risen. On the contrary, HTML5 apps which can function on a range of devices have a better chance of being widely adopted.


I think the developer who tends to avoid HTML5 completely is either brave or foolish. This is because a technology that has become the basis of web development is being ignored. In terms of app development, the cross-platform capabilities of HTML5 should make it an attractive prospect for those looking to reach a large number of users with a single app. Even if native apps are preferred over HTML5, it can still be used to make native apps using tools like PhoneGap. The basis of native apps is HTML.

As a final note, it’s better to think before you choose between native apps and HTML5. Even though, for some companies, native apps may still be the smart choice and the flexibility of HTML5 apps can prove invaluable. I recently wrote an article on why they suit the field service management industry. So if you’re considering having an app developed, take the time to decide between HTML5 and native apps by looking at their pros and cons first. Don’t rush into a decision you may later regret.

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