
Custom Web Development Services – Credibility Checklist

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  • With this checklist you will get knowledge of what and where you need to add in your own website.
  1. Website designing. Mostly people look the website by their cover page and by website’s design. If you’re not a website designer and you will design your website, do you know how it will look like? It will simply suck. If your website is not attractive, the maximum chances are that there will be no traffic on your website.
  2. Your address and phone number. If your work/business depends upon incoming calls, you then will need to show your address and phone number on every page of your website
  3. Easy ways to Contact. Always give more than one way to contact you such as your business number, email, social media contact, etc.
  4. Message relevance and tailoring. A website that displays relevant information to the visitor is instantly more credible in their eyes. If possible, use content tailoring based on user profile and behavior.
  5. Easy vocabulary. Try to write easy words in your content, because if people don’t understand they will not trust you, so it is very important to write in easy words So that everyone can understand.
  6. Spelling Mistakes. Grammatical and spelling mistakes are unforgivable in your website content writing. It can be forgivable in blog writing but not for website’s content writing because it shows low credibility.
  7. Link other website those talking about youIf any other website is talking about you or writing daily stories on, link them on your website. Only if they are writing good stories about you.
  8. Information about staffIt is more likely if you provide photos of your staff and bio data of your staff. It gives more comfort to the customer and shows good impression of you organization.
  9. Showing your work place (office). Show you work place office to your customers it shows more reliability of you organization.
  10. Never show fake photos of you organization. show that you\’re standing with big honorable people if you really never met them. Show you\’re really happy about customers and there reviews.
  11. Show your policies to your customer. Tell them how to they can refund your product, if they are not happy with your services. It depends upon you what policies you need but make sure that you can make them as flexible as you can.
  12. Email policy. What will you do with my email address once I give it to you? Will you rent it, share it, sell it, or spam people?
  13. Back up. All policies, statements, claims, evidence, customer’s records, should be backed up. Make sure back up records are in a safe place.
  14. Don’t make yourself superior. Never say that you’re the best or you’re the only one who can do this, if you want to say anything about yourself say things like \’we don’t make customers we make family\’, or any quote that is related to your abilities .  
  15. Full information about product. Give full information about products like if any customer buys them, how much it will cost or if customer buys in bulk then how much it will cost. Also tell them how you will deliver the product to them.
  16. Prices tags. Show price on every product, and if any product is coming soon, tag it with a coming soon tag.
  17. Client review list. Show client reviews about product to help out new customers.
  18. Strength of clientsIf you have good number of customers, tell everyone as social media proof.
  19. Case studies of your workUse case studies to prove the benefits of your services and to show off your expertise. Both make you more trustworthy.
  20. Customer reviews. On your site and elsewhere, people still trust them. It’s the upper hand Amazon that has on everyone else.
  21. Display trust marks. If you take credit cards you must show trust marks and show the customer it is safe.
  22. Authority recommendation. When Oprah recommends a website, it’s instantly credible. Get someone your audience knows and trusts to “approve your message”.
  23. Articles, publications online and offline. Credibility is not only what your website is like, it’s also what people read and hear about you *before* they get to your site. If they’ve seen or even read articles by you in different magazines or newspapers, you have more credibility.
  24. Job pages. If you’re hiring, you must be a real company.
  25. Have a social media outlet. If you have an active Twitter account or Facebook page, it furthermore shows there are real people behind the organization.
  26. Brand on Google. If your brand is not on Google then how should people find out about you.  
  27. No hype, blinking neither banners nor popups. If your website looks like a Christmas tree, it means you need to add a lot of change to it. Make sure the copy is hype-free; nothing blinks and just know that people hate all kinds of pop-ups.
  28.  Minimum ads. Posting too much ads irritates your customer and shows you might be desperate or your product is not good enough that is why you want to sell it as soon as possible.
  29. Website opening speed. If your website takes more than 10 seconds, most of the people close and search for other websites. It’s psychological.
  30. Google. You need to maintain your level in Google ranking, because if you are on top ranking searching, your website is also on top
  31. Honesty and good way of talk. Win hearts with your talk, if your way of talk is not satisfied most probably majority of your customers won’t trust you. Therefore simple key is, speak politely and with honesty.

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